
We deliver tailored legal solutions for the construction and infrastructure industry, designed to optimize and protect your business

Recent News & Analysis

20 November, 2022

Setback in the Constitucional Court: all territorial delimitation in Bogota must go through the City Council

Hace algunos meses, varios concejales de Bogotá presentaron una demanda de constitucionalidad frente a la Ley 2116 de 2021, “por medio de la cual se modifica […]
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Estudios Palacios Lleras

At Altano, we believe in the importance of building teams that allow us to provide integral solutions to our clients. That's why we seek alternatives to consolidate ourselves as a strategic ally of the country's businessmen.

We have started an alliance to provide legal services, specifically focusing on companies in the construction sector, with the support of a firm with more than 30 years of experience advising industries that directly impact the economy and businesses in the country.


We attend disputes between private parties and with the Government, providing a service oriented to the characteristics of each business.

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